Message from Editor in Chief

Thank you for reading this welcome message.

I warmly welcome you at our journal- "Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (JERIE)".  The journal aims to make a platform for academics, researchers and professionals to publish your research papers, practical experiences, editorial letters on current research trends, innovative works in engineering and scientific field. Therefore, the journal only welcomes the original articles, scholarly reviews, letters in distinguished engineering fields.

Please submit your paper with the appropriate documents. Before submitting your article, please read the guidelines throughout. We will soon get back to you with the update. You will be notified via email about the update of your paper status.

From now on, we are online. So, reviewing and accepting/rejecting your paper will be quick and accurate.

Thank you for publishing with us.

Best regards

Professor Dr. Mohammad Reza Selim

Editor in Chief

Journal of Engineering Research, Innovation and Education

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