Terms & Conditions

Terms & Condition

These terms and conditions govern the submission and publication of your scholarly article to SUST Journal of Science and Technology (SUST JST); by submitting an article to this journal using our online journal management system, you accept these terms and conditions in full.   If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not submit your article.

  1. Authorship

The SUST Journal of Science and Technology works under the presumption that the articles are submitted by the original author(s) who own the manuscript's copyright and that the manuscript has not previously been published or submitted for consideration elsewhere. 

By submitting your article to the SUST Journal of Science and Technology, you as the author (or co-author) affirm that: 

  1. the article is original, written by you, and does not violate any copyright agreement; 
  2. all material referenced by you and not created by you is attributed to appropriate authors; 
  3. no substantial section of the manuscript has previously been published; and
  4. the manuscript is in no way defamatory and does not violate the rights of any third party.


  1. Copyright and Further Publication

Copyright of the article remains with you as the author (or co-author). Therefore, you, the author (or co-author), allow the SUST Journal of Science and Technology to publish your article on the terms and conditions stated below:

  1. While copyright of the manuscript remains with you as the author (or co-author), any further publication of the manuscript by you after the initial publication in the SUST Journal of Science and Technology requires prior permission from the Editors. As the author (or co-author), you are permitted to make additional copies of the published version of your article. You are permitted to make a copy of the article available on your webpage and put a copy into your institution’s research publications archive or database, provided full details of publication in the SUST Journal of Science and Technology are given.
  2. By submitting your manuscript to the SUST Journal of Science and Technology, you agree to allow us to upload the article to any verification software, databases, or other technology that may be used from time to time to verify the authenticity of the work.  This includes software such as turnItIn, iThenticate, etc., which may retain your work within the database for further checking against future works.
  3. If the SUST JST receives a report of an alleged offense of intellectual dishonesty, Editors will conduct an investigation. If the allegation seems to raise valid concerns after investigation, the accused author(s) will be contacted and given an opportunity to address the issue. However, if misconduct has been proven, this will result in the implementation of the following measures including, but not limited to:
    • If the article is still in the review process, it will be rejected and returned to the author;
    • If the article has already been published online, it will be withdrawn, and the author(s) will be barred from submitting or publishing the articles on his/her/their future studies in the SUST Journal of Science and Technology; and
    • A letter will be sent to the head of the respective department/institute/ university. 
  1. Manuscript Review

By submitting the article to the SUST Journal of Science and Technology, you, the author (or co-author), agree that 

  1. the Editors’ decision to publish your manuscript in the SUST Journal of Science and technology is final; 
  2. communications from the Editors during the review of the manuscript are not to be taken as confirmation that they have accepted your manuscript for publication;
  3. any delay should not be treated as a rejection of your manuscript; and
  4. the Editors retain the right to edit your manuscript to correct any spelling or syntax errors, to conform to requirements of manuscript style, and on occasion, to enhance expressions or clarify meaning without obtaining prior approval. 


  1. Changes to Authorship

The authors are expected to provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal Editors. To request such a change, the corresponding author must send the following documents to the Editors:

  1. a letter from the corresponding author detailing the reason(s) for the change in the author list, and
  2. written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all the authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement.