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Reducing patients waiting time using the Six Sigma methodology in a Radiology Department

Corresponding Author : M. A. Sayed (

Authors : M.M. (

Keywords : Six Sigma, Healthcare system, Process efficiency, Waiting time, Service quality

Abstract :

Six Sigma methodologies have been applied in various manufacturing and service industries to get a competitive business advantage by redesigning and improving their processes. Recently, as a significant business strategy, Six Sigma is being incorporated in the healthcare industry notably. In this paper, the Radiology Department of a Tertiary care Hospital is selected to apply the Six Sigma methodology for reducing the patients waiting time and to increase the process value efficiency. To evaluate the performance of the Radiology department, measures like length of stay and waiting time are observed scientifically. The major causes of delay are explored with cause effect analysis and by using the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The results denote that redesigning the processes based on recommendations, the process flow efficiency can be increased from 7.63% to 15.64% and waiting time will be reduced by 55.43%.

Published on March 7th, 2021 in Volume 2 Issue 1 & 2, Mechanical, Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering