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Effective placement of fluid viscous damper in irregular shaped reinforced concrete buildings
Corresponding Author : N. Ahmed (
Authors : M. Ahmed (, N. Ahmed (, N. Haque (
Keywords : Damping, Plan irregularity, Base shear, Story displacements, Pushover analysis
Abstract :
Damping has a significant task to diminish the reaction of the structures when exposed to sidelong loads like earthquake loads. There are a few kinds of dampers being used. Among them, Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVD500) is used in this study to evaluate the response of irregular shaped reinforced concrete buildings. Four types of buildings having plan irregularities, namely Box Shaped Building, C Shaped Building, I Shaped Building, and L Shaped Building, are analyzed with FVD500 at the Corners and Exterior Sidewalls separately. In this study, ETABS 2016 software has been used for performing Pushover and Time history analyses of earthquake loading. Pushover analysis is used to evaluate base shear and story displacements, while Time history analysis is used to find base shear and Eigen values. It has been observed that corner placement of FVD500 in both Box Shaped Building and I Shaped Building gives more effective results. For L Shaped Building, exterior sidewall placement is more efficient according to base shear results but less efficient according to displacement results. For this reason, it is not easy to come to any definite conclusion for this building shape. Both placements of FVD500 are found useful for C Shaped Building. It is also revealed that C Shaped Building is most effective in resisting earthquake shaking among the four building shapes considered in this study.
Published on March 9th, 2023 in Volume 4 Issue 1, Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture