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Slope failure induced hazard in Khulshi Area of the Chittagong city, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : Md Shofiqul Islam (

Authors : Md.Shofiqul (

Keywords : Slope failure, Soil sample, Rainfall, Hazard, Khulshi

Abstract :

Slope failure during the heavy monsoon rainfall is happening as the penalty of extreme hill cutting for urbanization and deforestation in Khulshi area, causing a hazardous incident including the loss of life and property. In this paper, we present the main causes for landslide by determining the engineering and geological properties of in-situ soil samples. The analyzed slopes are consisting of two types of formations. The lower part comprises of hard and compact silt/clay layer with high cohesion (6.1 KPa) and Young modulus (519.4 KPa). On the other hand, the upper part consists of loose sand with relatively low cohesion…

Published on August 4th, 2019 in Volume 1 Issue 1, Chemical, Food processing, Petroleum and mining