সৈয়দ শামসুল হকের নাটক : ইতিহাসের নৈয়ায়িক পাঠ

Corresponding Author : মুহা. জাকির হোসাইন (jakirhosain.sust@gmail.com)

Abstract :

সৈয়দ শামসুল হক একজন ইতিহাসচেতনাঋদ্ধ সাহিত্যিক। ইতিহাসের নীল পরিমÐলে যখন তিনি অভিযাত্রী হন তখন আমাদের চোখের সামনে ভেসে ওঠে ‘বাংলার আলপথ’, ‘পলিমাটি’, ‘সওদাগরের ডিঙার বহর’, ‘কৈবর্তের বিদ্রোহী গ্রাম’, ‘তিতুমীর, হাজী শরীয়ত, ক্ষুদিরাম, সূর্যসেন, নূরলদীন, বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান’, ‘রাষ্ট্রভাষার লাল রাজপথ’, ‘একাত্তরের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ’। আত্মপরিচয় অনুসন্ধিৎসু ব্যক্তিমাত্রই জানেন ইতিহাসের অতল গহŸরে ডুব না দিয়ে শিকড়ের মূলোৎপাটন করা যায় না। কেননা নিজকে জানার, জাতিকে চেনার অন্যতম মাধ্যমই হচ্ছে ইতিহাস। তাই ইতিহাসের কণ্টকাকীর্ণ পথ না মাড়িয়ে সত্যকে যেমন উদ্ঘাটন করা যায় না তেমনি…

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Corruption and Economic Growth: A Random Effect Approach

Corresponding Author : Md. Gias Uddin Khan (khangias33@gmail.com)

Abstract : This paper focuses on the relationship between corruption and economic growth worldwide using the panel data for 147 countries for the period of 2002 to 2017. It uses the random effect model suggested by the Hausman test to explore this relationship. The findings suggest that the corruption has significant negative impact on the economic growth of a country. The results further indicate that the economic growth responds positively with capital and negatively with the initial output. However, population growth surprisingly…

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Living with Risks of Abuse, Harassment, and Vulnerabilities: Explaining the Experience of Female Sex Workers in Sylhet

Corresponding Author : Md. Fakhrul Alam (fakhrulsust@gmail.com)

Abstract : This qualitative study is an attempt to disclose the nature and extent of the risks of abuses and vulnerabilities that the female sex workers (FSWs) experience after embracing sex work as a profession. By using semi-structured interviewing, the author conducted the study on 53 sex workers working in Sylhet city of Bangladesh. The study argues that sex workers are vulnerable to manifold risks of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment of the customers, the police, and the local…

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Sighs behind the Veils: A Display of the Late-life Widowhood of Rural Women in Habiganj

Corresponding Author : Md. Mizanur Rahman (mmrahman.scw@gmail.com)

Abstract : This paper focuses on the elicitation of consequences of the late-life widowhood (e.g. elderly widowhood) of women living in the rural areas of Habiganj district in Bangladesh. For this, the concurrent triangulation design of mixed methodology (i.e. sample survey, case study and focus group discussion) was followed to complete the study. A total of ninety-six face-to-face interviews, ten case studies and two focus group discussions were conducted to collect data from the rural elderly widowed women. Major findings reveal that…

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The Foreseen and the Seen: White Community’s Marauding Bearing towards their Own Kind in The Late Bourgeois World

Corresponding Author : Dr. Muhammad Alamgir Toimoor (mtoimoor@gmail.com)

Abstract :  Elizabeth Van Den Shandt, the narrator of Gordimer’s novel The Late Bourgeois World, depicts Max, her ex-husband in such way that it unravels a latent aspect of South Africa’s white community i.e. even if anyone of their own kind differs in complying with the long-held tradition then they are as ruthless to the deviant as they are to the black. At the outset of the fiction, it is indicated that this kind of outcome on Max’s part, who was put…

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James Joyce’s Eveline: A Victim of Transgenerational Trauma

Corresponding Author : Talukdar Mohammad Misbah Uddin (misbah.eng.uddin@gmail.com)

Abstract : Eveline is a young woman who does not have any traumatic experience herself but shows the symptoms and crises of a trauma victim. The short story does not present any evidence that Eveline was abused in her childhood, but the inactions and dissociations she exhibits in the text indicate that her inactions are the result of a trauma. Although existing critical literature focuses on various aspects of paralysis in the short stories of Dubliners, there has not been much exploration…

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The Role of Rehearsal in L2 Writing

Corresponding Author : Shahnaz Mahmud (sm-eng@sust.edu)

Abstract : Rehearsal in language production refers to the act of voicing of ideas in the form of dialogue with oneself or conversation with others such as teachers or peers for the purpose of developing both language and content on a topic. The present study attempts to comprehend the role of rehearsal that a learner covertly performs during writing. The study analyses data collected during the writing task of three undergraduate students studying in the fourth semester of their four year program…

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Corporate Engagement to Address Child Labor in Ready Made Garments: A Focus on the Periphery of Dhaka

Corresponding Author : Mohammad Monjur-Ul-Haider (monjur-anp@sust.edu)

Abstract : The present paper emphasized to explore an innovative approach for eradicating child labor through corporate engagement. Primary and secondary sources were used to prepare this paper. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data collection. Data was collected by a research team that conducted surveys, case studies, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions and informal interviews. Data and arguments in this paper establish that there should be a combined effort by the government, the private sector, and development agencies to…

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সিলেটের উপভাষার উজানি ও ভাটি রূপ

Corresponding Author : Dr. Md. Zafir Uddin (zafirsetu@gmail.com)

Abstract : বাংলা ভাষার স্বতন্ত্র বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ উপভাষা হিসেবে সিলেটের উপভাষার স্বীকৃতি বিশশতকের সূচনালগ্ন থেকেই। সিলেটের উপভাষা ‘সিলেটি’ নামেই সর্বত্র পরিচিত। এই উপভাষার স্বাতন্ত্র্য যেমন আঞ্চলিক রূপে, তেমনি উচ্চারণগত পার্থক্যে, ধ্বনি শব্দ বাক্যে ও বিশিষ্টার্থক প্রয়োগেও। ঔপভাষিক স্বাতন্ত্র্য ছাড়া আরও কিছু বৈচিত্র্য ও বিশেষত্ব সিলেটের উপভাষায় পরিদৃষ্ট হয়। এর মধ্যে একটি হচ্ছে উপআঞ্চলিক রূপভেদ। অর্থাৎ, অঞ্চলভেদে সিলেটের উপভাষার রূপভেদ লক্ষযোগ্য একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য। এছাড়াও উপভাষাটির নাগরিক রূপের সঙ্গে রয়েছে গ্রামীণ রূপের বিস্তর ফারাক। সামাজিক স্তরবিন্যাস তথা বর্ণ, ধর্ম, লিঙ্গ, বয়স ও সম্প্রদায় ইত্যাদি ভেদেও…

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Factors influencing women's autonomy in healthcare decision-making: Evidence from the Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey

Corresponding Author : Shahnaz Haque (shahnazh31@gmail.com)

Abstract :

Health is regarded as an important index of human development as well as economic development. Butthe health of women is often neglected which can affect child health as well as maternal health. Evidence suggests that in many developing countries, the socio- economic factors limit women’s decision- making power regarding their own health.This study aims to find out the factors which influence women’s autonomy in decision-making regarding their own health and also analyze the status of such…

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