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A Modular Landscape Model for Low Cost Settlement. Case study: Sylhet, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : Mohammad Shamsul Arefin (

Authors : Mohammad Shamsul Arefin , Kawshik Saha , Sheikh Nasrin Haque , Nicole Uhrig , Einar Kretzler

Keywords : Modular landscape model

Abstract :

This study aims to innovate an affordable landscape design model for under privileged urbanized areas of a growing cities. The lower income population from rural areas, frequently migrate to the urban areas for short or long-term basis to ease their poverty. This internal migration takes place for several reasons caused by manmade and natural disaster and dream of better life expectancies. These migrant people may get work and money in a certain number per single family, but it keeps them neglected in terms of living environment. This poor living condition in urban slums are threat to the migrant urban poor dwellers, the civic dwellers and the environment. All these harmful impacts can be resolved with providing a standard and healthy living atmosphere at their settlement through considering an eco-responsive landscape design. This study tries to propose a low cost, self-sustaining and affordable landscape module for these low-cost settlement dwellers following the mixed method. The data has been collected through physical survey, field observation, documentary reviews in Sylhet city, and case studies. This study has proposed a modular and multi scaled landscape model named as nucleus module, group module, cluster module, communal module and settlement module which will apply to urban slums and low-cost settlements in various cities of Bangladesh. A set of recommendations has been proposed at the end to implement the landscape models, which could be implemented to other contexts as well. 

Published on June 12th, 2021 in Volume 31, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology