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Simulation of Waveform Generator

Corresponding Author : M. S. Islam (

Authors : M. S. Islam , P. C. Baidya , S. B. Faruque

Keywords : Circuit simulation, Waveform generator, Op-amp, Modulation circuit, Electromagnetic equation

Abstract :

Dirac's equation deals with the electromagnetic interactions in quantum mechanics. This equation can be modified for the classical modulated waveform. This paper presents a simulation approach for generating electromagnetic wave packets from the modified Dirac's electromagnetic equation solution. From this solution, an equivalent numerical circuit using SIMULINK is designed. This numerical circuit generates an exact amplitude modulated waveform of the solution. An analog circuit of the equation using op-amp is also designed with SIMULINK. The circuit generates an amplitude modulated waveform. The carrier frequency generated from this simulation is 9 KHz. Finally, a comparative analysis of the numerical and simulated waveform is also discussed briefly in this paper. The simulated result supports the theoretical assumption about the wave generation from modified Dirac's equation.

Published on December 31st, 2021 in Volume 31, Issue 2, Physical Sciences