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Analyzing Groundwater Potential Recharge Zones Using AHP, RS and GIS Techniques in Bishwamvarpur Upazila, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : Towfiqul Islam Khan (

Authors : Md Ashir Morshed Pial , Towfiqul Islam Khan

Keywords : Groundwater, Delineation, Potential recharge zone, GIS, AHP

Abstract :

This study shows the demarcation of capacity zones where groundwater can get recharged in Bishwambharpur Upazila in Sunamganj, Bangladesh by using analytic hierarchy process, remote sensing, and geographic information system techniques. To create thematic maps of several geospatial factors having an immediate or indirect effect on the availability of groundwater, geology, slope, geomorphology, soil, LULC (land-use land-cover), drainage density, lineaments density, and rainfall distribution, remotely sensed and conventional statistics have been obtained from several reasserts and analyzed in GIS software. Integration of AHP with RS and GIS can be embodied as a method that transforms and balances geospatial data, as well as weightage ranking, in order to utilize the information for sensible judgment. Weighted overlay assessment has been used to mix all geospatial elements to assemble a map of the examiner vicinity in which the capacity recharge zones for groundwater may be found. The result reveals the 3 potential zones for groundwater recharge, that is 'good', 'moderate' and 'poor' occupies 26.42 km² (10.7%), 195.92 km² (79.6%) and, 23.66 km² (9.6%) respectively. A significant shift in the trend of groundwater use, especially rising population, the extension of irrigation land, economic growth, and climate change all contribute to an ever-increasing demand for groundwater. 

Published on December 31st, 2022 in Volume 32, Issue 2, Physical Sciences