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Assessment of Occupational Injuries, Health, and Risk Faced by the Workers in the Engineering Workshops: A Survey Based Approach

Corresponding Author : Pronob Kumar Biswas (

Authors : Saiful Islam , Pronob Kumar Biswas , Shanta Saha , Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan

Keywords : Occupational Injury, Risk Assessment, Engineering Workshops

Abstract :

This study assesses the attributes of occupational injuries among workers, and the risk associated with the hazards prevailed in engineering workshops. Injury data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Pareto analysis was performed to find the vital few from trivial many. The associated risk levels were measured using a Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Matrix. 92% of the worker used to work more than 8 hours per day and 75% of injuries were found to occur after 8 hours of working period. 11% of the injuries fell in major and critical severity categories, which caused the workers to be absent for a week to more than a month from their work. Dust, sharp edge and swarf, working without personal protective equipment, and flying object caused more than half of injuries. Wrist and hand/fingers, eye, back and lower back, feet/toe, knee, and arm were found to be the most injured body parts. All the significant hazards identified posed a high level of risk, which makes itself a high-risk workplace.

Published on June 28th, 2021 in Volume 31, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology