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Finite element formulation employing higher order elements and software for one dimensional engineering problems

Corresponding Author : Razwan Ahamad (

Authors : Razwan Ahamad , M. S. Karim2 , M. M. Rahman , P. Shahrear

Keywords : Finite element formulation, Shape functions, Ordinary differential equation, Boundary value problem

Abstract :

The paper concentrates to present finite element formulation of equilibrium problem in one dimension employing lower to higher-order finite elements and the development of the relevant software based on the explicit schemes. Present formulation is new and the elements of order one to tenth are considered and element matrices are presented in such a way that the code in any computer language can be developed easily. Finally, the efficiency and accuracy tested through the demonstration of application examples.

Published on June 30th, 2019 in Volume 29, Issue 1, Physical Sciences