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Subsurface water modeling and structural analysis using VES: A case study of Kumargoan area, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : Md Shofiqul Islam (

Authors : Md Shofiqul Islam

Keywords : Resistivity, groundwater, lithology, sand, aquifer

Abstract :

Groundwater zones and subsurface lithology in Kumargoan area were identified by the Geophysical Electrical Resistivity Survey method. Seven (07) Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) had been conducted using the Schlumberger array. Pseudo-sections and cross-sections have been generated by IPI2 WIN (version 3.0.1) considering the geology, hydrogeological conditions in the study area. Two major aquifers have been in the study are at different depths. A major discontinuity is detected within the area which causes the main discrepancy in the aquifer distribution between west and east of Temukhi-Badaghat road. Eastern part shows good aquifer with fresh water (iron free clean water) at depth ranges from 30 to 52 m. On the other hand, western part, the aquifer with the same lithology started from a depth of 70 m and extended greater depth. The analysis shows that the western part might be an erosional/depositional channel of the Surma River.

Published on June 30th, 2019 in Volume 29, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology