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Biomass and Carbon Estimation of the Four Major Tree Species in Ratargul Swamp Forest, Bangladesh
Corresponding Author : A. Z. M. Manzoor Rashid (pollen_forest@yahoo.com)
Authors : Tahasina Chowdhury
Keywords : Biomass estimation, Carbon stock, Wetland forest, Climate change
Abstract :
Wetland forests– a major ecosystem of Bangladesh, is still being neglected despite of having enormous potentials particularly in case of ecosystem balancing and CO2 accumulation. Under this purview, the present study aimed at estimating the biomass and carbon stock of four major tree species namely Pongamia pinnata, Barringtonia acutangula, Syzygium fruticosum and Lagerstroemia speciosa at Ratargul swamp forest under Sylhet Forest Division. Thirty sample plots (20 m × 20 m) were taken to enumerate biomass and carbon stock of the selected tree species. Tree biomass was estimated using a pan-tropical allometric biomass equation widely known as Brown’s equation. Loss on ignition method was followed to determine the carbon concentration of four studied species. Species selection was done based on the value determined through IVI (Importance Value Index). The study revealed that 191.53 ton/ha biomass and 93.76 ton/ha carbon are held by P. pinnata in this forest where the other three species occupied only 22.88 ton/ha biomass and 12.19 ton/ha carbon altogether. P. pinnata held the highest biomass (61374.55 kg) within 38–48.9 cm DBH class whereas most of the biomass in B. acutangula (9868.50 kg), L. speciosa (721.49 kg) and S. fruticosum (708.10 kg) is held between 13–20.9 cm, 19–25.9 cm and 10–14.9 cm DBH class respectively. In addition, 50968.09 tons of atmospheric CO2 have been accumulated by these four tree species in this forest. The findings of the study can be used as baseline information for developing future conservation and management planning in fresh water swamp forest and in wetland areas of Bangladesh.
Published on June 30th, 2020 in Volume 30, Issue 1, Agriculture and Mineral Science