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Catalytic Activity of 0.4% Rh Supported ZrP2O7 Catalyst for the NO-CO-C2H6-O2 Reactions Under Modula

Corresponding Author : Ahmed Jalal Samed (

Keywords : ZrP2O7, Modulated air-to-fuel, Oxidizing, Reducing, Lean-burn

Abstract :

Catalytic activity of the 0.4% Rh/ ZrP2O7 catalyst for the NO-CO-C2H6-O2 reactions under modulated air-to-fuel ratio (A/F) conditions were studied with a view to evaluate its catalytic performance under both oxidizing and reducing environment. In situ EXAFS experiments were carried out further to evaluate its catalytic performance. This newly developed catalyst exhibited outstanding 85% NO removal efficiency in oxidizing environment where conventional 0.4% Rh/ZrO2 catalyst showed 45% NO removal efficiency. The strong Rh-O-P linkage has been confirmed by EXAFS investigation both in oxidizing and reducing environment as well, which is believed to be the crucial reason for exhibiting excellent catalytic performance of this catalyst. This newly developed catalyst having strong anchoring effect of Rh nano particles on ZrP2O7 support along with high thermal stability has the potential to serve as a lean-burn deNOx catalyst.  

Published on June 30th, 2014 in Volume 21, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology