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DWBA Study of Reactions Using Different Optical Potentials

Corresponding Author : S. K. Das (

Authors : E. Hoque , A. Somadder

Keywords : Finite Range (FFR), non-monotonic shallow, Shallow potentials, Wood-Saxon (WS), DWBA Study (edited)

Abstract :

Full Finite Range (FFR) Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) calculations have been performed using non-monotonic shallow (molecular), non-monotonic deep, Michel (SWS) and Woods-Saxon (WS) potentials to analyze the angular distributions of cross section for Ni t Cu 60 62, 64, 61 63, 65, (α, ) reactions at the incident energy 26.7 MeV. Shallow potentials and normal Wood-Saxon (WS) potential seem to be a bit better candidates for fitting experimental data. The spectroscopic factors are extracted for different potentials and compared with previous studies. 

Published on June 30th, 2014 in Volume 21, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology