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Applications of Mixed Number Algebra

Corresponding Author : Md. Shah Alam (

Authors : Md. Shah Alam (, Md. Didar Chowdhury

Keywords : Mixed number, Mixed number Lorentz Transformation, Relativistic aberration, Relativistic Doppler’s Effect

Abstract :

Mixed number is the sum of a scalar and a vector. It has satisfactory algebra. In terms of Mixed number, a type of most general Lorentz Transformation can be derived which we called the Mixed number Lorentz Transformation. In this paper we have explained some applications of Mixed number in relativistic aberration, relativistic Doppler’s Effect, Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. It has been observed that the explanation of relativistic aberration and relativistic Doppler’s Effect by Mixed Number Lorentz Transformation is easier than the explanation of the same by most general Lorentz Transformation. We have successfully used the Mixed number algebra in Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics.  

Published on June 30th, 2010 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology