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Mapping Bangla Unicode Text to Keyboard Layout Specific Keystrokes

Corresponding Author : Mohammad Reza Selim (

Authors : Mohammad Reza Selim (, Mahbubur Rub Talha , Sabir Ismail

Keywords : Keyboard Layout, Keystrokes, Bangla Unicode, Syllable

Abstract :

Bangla Unicode texts are becoming increasingly available from different types of sources. It is necessary for many applications to map these Unicode texts to keystrokes of a particular keyboard layout. In this paper, we analyze Bangla Unicode texts and various keyboard layouts and device algorithms to convert the Unicode texts to keyboard layout specific keystrokes. We implement and test our algorithms with sufficient data and show that they are working correctly. Our work has many applications, e.g., comparing the efficiency of keyboard layouts, predicting a word being typed to improve typing efficiency, improving the accuracy of spelling suggestions generated by a Bangla spell checker, etc.

Published on June 30th, 2010 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology