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Bound Orbit of Sub-micron Size Non-spherical Silicate Dust Particles in the Dust Band of the Asteroi

Corresponding Author : M. H. Ahsan (

Authors : M. A. Saklayen , Md. Mahmuduzzaman , M. H. Ahsan (

Keywords : Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), dust bands, cylindrical particle

Abstract :

Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) discovered three dust bands in the asteroid belt. These dust bands are believed to arise from the collision activity of asteroids. Dynamics of spherical and non-spherical particles are quite different in these regions. In this study the β values (the ratio of radiation pressure force to the solar gravity) for cylindrical particles have been evaluated. The β value for cylindrical particle strongly depends on the incident angle of radiation. The dependence of β values on the incident angle of radiation has also been formulated. Orbits in the solar radiation field are computed numerically accounting for β that varies as a function incident angle of radiation or spin of the particle. 

Published on June 30th, 2010 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology