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An Alternative Approach to Gravity based on Multiple Independent Fields

Corresponding Author : B. K. Chakravorti (

Authors : B. K. Chakravorti

Keywords : Gravity, Gravitoelelctromagnetism, Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations, Gravitational wave

Abstract :

We present a new approach to gravity theory. In this approach, four independent fields convey the gravitational force. These fields are colored in the sense that they do not add up to Newtonian potential and field for two body gravitational interaction. The fields are generated by two types of mass of a single body; the gravitoelectric charge (mass)m and gravitomagnetic charge (mass) -2m. Here, there is no disparity between source and test particle masses which is usually seen in typical gravitoelectromagnetic theory. We also show that a wave picture can be generated from our theory and these waves are similar to that of general relativity, that is, the radiation is quadrupolar. Thus, a new paradigm of gravity theory has been opened up in this paper.

Published on June 30th, 2020 in Volume 30, Issue 1, Physical Sciences