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Harmonious Labelings of Disjoint Union of Cycles

Corresponding Author : Kh. Md. Mominul Haque (

Authors : Kh. Md. Mominul Haque , Umme Nasreen Khanam

Keywords : Harmonious graph, Graph labeling, Vertex labeling, Edge labeling

Abstract :

The disjoint union Cj ∪ Ck ∪ Cl is component of three cycles Cj , Ck and Cl . In this paper, we show that the disjoint union graph Cj ∪ Ck ∪ Cl is harmonious for odd j + k + l with l ≥ j + k + 5. 

Published on June 30th, 2010 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology