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Inclined Drift Method for Dispersed Rock Handling of Madhapara Hard Rock Mine, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : M Farhad Howladar (

Authors : A.K.M. Badrul Alam , M Farhad Howladar (, Choudhury Quamruzzaman , Farid Ahmed

Keywords : dispersed rock, Madhapara Hard Rock

Abstract :

Madhayapara Hard Rock Mine has the annual production target of 1.6 million ton. During the loading and unloading of hard rock to bring it to the surface, certain amount of rock would be dispersed and the dispersed rock should be handled for the economical as well as technical point of view. The inclined drifting ranges between -270m and -334.8m, because -270m is the production level and the arresting bean is situated in -334.8m level. The required width-height ration for the inclined drift is 1.18. Considering the ratio, the stability of the inclined drift method with respect to allowable compressive and tensile stress was examined and found that the inclined drift would be stable within the stress field. It is found that the width and height of the drift, height of the arch, side radius of the arch, center radius of the arch, vertical sided portion of the drift and the finished area of the arch would be 3.5m, 2.96m, 1.16m, 0.96m, 2.42m, 1.18m and 9.48m2 respectively.  

Published on June 30th, 2010 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology