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Transformational Generative Grammar for Various Types of Bengali Sentences

Corresponding Author : Mohammad Reza Selim (

Authors : Mohammad Reza Selim (, Muhammed Zafar Iqbal

Keywords : Deep Structure, Surface Structure, Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Generative Grammar

Abstract :

In this paper, we analyze the syntax of various types of Bengali sentences and design transformational generative grammar rules for them. Designing machine-processable grammars to recognize and generate various types of Bengali sentences is an important step and prerequisite to develop Bengali natural language applications. However, although few works for designing grammars are found, they mainly deal with on assertive sentences. Besides, those grammars are phrase structure grammars and can only work on strictly formal sentences. Many natural language sentences cannot be parsed using only such grammars. In this paper, we design a transformational generative grammar which, in conjunction with phrase structure grammar, is used to generate or recognize other types of Bengali sentences. It is applicable for many usable sentences that cannot be parsed using only phrase structure grammars. 

Published on June 30th, 2014 in Volume 12, Issue1, Applied Sciences and Technology