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Acceleration Techniques for Vortex Method Calculations: Part I

Corresponding Author : T. K. Sheel (

Authors : T. K. Sheel (

Keywords : Vortex Methods, MDGRAPE-2

Abstract :

A fast vortex method has been developed by using special-purpose computers, MDGRAPEs, those were exclusively designed for molecular dynamics simulations. This is an attempt to make a bridge between vortex method and molecular dynamics calculations. The three main issues have been solved regarding the implementation of the MDGRAPE on vortex methods those are the efficient calculation of the Biot-Savart and stretching equation, the optimization of the table domain, and the round-off error caused by the partially single precision calculation in the MDGRAPE.  

Published on December 31st, 2011 in Volume 14, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology