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Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow through Stenosed Artery Using Bifurcation Concept

Corresponding Author : Md. Alamgir Kabir (

Authors : Md. Alamgir Kabir

Keywords : stenosis, artery, Navier-Stokes, simulation, heart disease

Abstract :

Blood flow patterns are extensively associated with the initial development of atherosclerosis in the bifurcation of the carotid artery. In the present study, two different arterial bifurcation geometrical models are used to investigate the hemodynamic parameters numerically. Model 1 is assumed as a bifurcated carotid artery without stenosis whereas Model 2 with stenosis. The inlet boundary conditions for the streamwise velocity have been created by the equation of sinusoidal pulsatile velocity profile and the program is written in C-language using the interface of User Defined Function (UDF) of Fluent and linked with the solver. Blood is considered as non –Newtonian fluid and in this computation widely known Carreau model has been used to describe the non- Newtonian behavior of blood. To capture the turbulent features of the flow, k-ꞷ turbulence model has been used. Our study found that due to the presence of stenosis, a huge pressure drops (~13332 Pa) occurs at the throat of the stenosis that can cause the potential damage of the artery.The maximum velocity (~0.29 m/s) and wall share (~5.11 Pa) has also been found at the throat of the stenosis which is much higher than (~31.82% and 61.20%, respectively) that of the artery without stenosis.

Published on June 30th, 2020 in Volume 30, Issue 1, Physical Sciences