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Natural Gas Properties Analysis of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Titas Gas Field
Corresponding Author : Mohammad Islam Miah (dmfh75@yahoo.com)
Authors : M. Farhad Howladar (dmfh75@yahoo.com)
Keywords : Composition, Specific Gravity, Formation Volume Factor,, Isothermal Compressibility, Viscosity
Abstract :
Titas is the largest gas field in Bangladesh and the highest gas producer in the country at
present which was discovered in 1962 by Shell Oil Company, Pakistan. In designing gas
production, processing, transport and handling systems, a complete knowledge of natural gas
properties is crucial. For this reason, a detailed research has been done for the measurement and
prediction of hydrocarbon fluid properties. This research shows the reservoir of natural gas
properties analysis of Titas gas field from gas composition. Based on the studied composition, it is
shown that the Titas gas is a sweet gas. The specific gravity and apparent molecular weight of gas
are 0.584 and 16.927, respectively. The gas compressibility factor, super-compressibility factor,
real gas density and gas formation volume factor are 0.94, 1.031, 9.48 lbm/ft3
, 0.0047 res ft3
respectively. The Isothermal compressibility and viscosity of the gas are 200.75×10-6 per psia and
0.0189 cp at reservoir formation temperature 193 0
F and pressure 3689 psia. The estimated fluid
properties are indicates that reservoir fluid type is semi-dry gas and these results are reliable for
reserve estimation and well test analysis.
Published on December 31st, 2012 in Volume 16, Issue 1, Applied Sciences and Technology