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Clinical Waste Management in Sylhet City, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : Husna Ara Moriom (

Authors : Md. Ikbal Mahmud (, Salma A. Iqbal , Niloy Chandra Sarker

Keywords : Waste, Clinical waste, Management, Health hazard

Abstract :

The scenario of clinical waste disposal system is simply threatening to our environment and due to increasing health facility, production of clinical waste is also increasing, is therefore, becoming a matter of great concern to manage this waste properly. The objectives of the study are the analysis of current disposal system of clinical waste, waste management system of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) and provide some recommendations, for the improvement of existing healthcare situation as well as reduction of environmental pollution. From the study it was found that the existing system of waste disposal is to dump all types of wastes in low lying areas adjacent to the town. But people are not aware of the hazards of infectious clinical waste. The wastes are not categorically segregated. As a result, mixing of municipal solid wastes with hazardous clinical wastes led to high risk of public health and environment. The study also identifies the risk associated with health hazards of general people and people engaged in the existing management system. We also give guidelines to SCC for sustainable management of clinical wastes.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 19, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology