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Comparative Study of Biodiesel Preparation Methods

Corresponding Author : Kaniz Ferdous (

Authors : M. Rakib Uddin , Maksudur R. Khan , M. A. Islam

Keywords : Biodiesel, Transesterification, Esterification, Saponification

Abstract :

Biodiesel is usually produced from food-grade vegetable oils using transesterification process. Base catalyzed transesterification reaction is widely used for biodiesel production from vegetable oil due to its faster kinetics than that of acid catalyzed process. But if free fatty acid (FFA) content in the oil is more than 2%, the base catalyzed process is not feasible. In the present paper biodiesel is prepared from non-edible oils, such as nahor seed oil (NSO) and rubber seed oil (RSO) by different methods. Oil was extracted by different method from both seeds. The FFA of NSO reduces from 12.17 wt% to 2.80 wt% and kinematic viscosity reduces from 58.06 mm2 /s to 6.64 mm2 /s. The corresponding value for RSO were 45 wt% to 1.85 wt% and 33 mm2 /s to 4.5 mm2 /s respectively. The difficulties and importance of each processes are discussed and the biodiesel properties of biodiesel produced from both NSO and RSO were measured and compared with standard value.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 19, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology