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Influence of Weather Parameters on Red Spider Mite- A Major Pest of Tea in Bangladesh

Corresponding Author : M. Ahmed (

Authors : M.S.A. Mamun (, M.M. Hoque (, R.S. Chowdhury (

Keywords : Tea, Red spider mite, Infestation, Weather Parameter

Abstract :

An investigation was carried out at the main farm of Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI), Srimangal, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh during 2005-2009 to find out the influence of weather parameters on the infestation of red spider mite in Bangladesh tea. Monthly data on mite population and infestation were recorded from the experimental plots with systematic sampling method. Five years meteorological data of the experimental area under the Srimangal Meteorology Station were also collected for the study from the Meteorological Department, Dhaka. The weather factors such as temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, sunshine hours etc. are very important for the productivity of tea as well as out break of pests in tea. Pest population have a tendency to fluctuate with the environmental factors. The weather factors exercise a dominating effect on the fecundity, incubation period, reproductive capacity, longevity and development of mite pests. Climatic factors such as temperature, relative humidity and sunshine hours showed positive relationship with the infestation of red spider mite. All the parameters except rainfall were found highly correlated (r = 0.91, 0.92 & 0.91 respectively) with the field infestation of mite. On the other hand, heavy rainfall & cloud coverage and water requirement of crop were found to be negatively correlated (r = -0.89 & r = -0.49) with the infestation of mite. Correlation coefficients are statistically significant at 5% level of significance. This study may be helpful in rescheduling the use of miticides and modifications of some available control options to minimize the infestation of red spider mite of tea in Bangladesh.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 19, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology