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Redesigning Cycle Rickshaw Wheel using QFD Technique to Minimize Accident Probability and Severity

Corresponding Author : K. Nahar (

Authors : M. M. Hossain (, K. M. A. Haque , M. A. Islam , K. S. Hossain , M. A. Khan

Keywords : Accident Probability, Rickshaw, travel, QFD

Abstract :

This paper reviews the possible problem areas of non-motorized means of travel in Rajshahi city, particularly cycle rickshaw, with respect to the view of rickshaw pullers and passengers; and severity analysis. Accidents are more frequent now a day mainly caused by lack of rickshaw pullers’ adequate training and design of rear wheels; according to market analysis and reviews. Violent accidents are occurred while the rickshaws drive beside one another and it is observed that they made collisions and ultimately accident causes human injuries as well as cut off several spokes of the wheel. Additionally spokes are generally broken down frequently during riding on the rough roads. Redesigning of the wheel has been done on the basis of measured maximum load. The dimension of the new model was decided after studying the carried load of each spoke of the wheel. As five spokes were being used instead of forty two spokes, the reliability of the wheel is being increased considerably due to increased rigidity of the spokes. Hub was designed in such a manner that the extension portion of the wheel is no longer responsible to make frequent accidents. As a result of changing design the problems are being solved. This paper is also analyzing the cost factors of rickshaw as the customers are of very diminutive income. A cost comparison with regular one is made.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 19, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology