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Renewable Energy Systems for Newly Constructed Residential Buildings in Dhaka: Barriers and Probable

Corresponding Author : Md. Mostafizur Rahman (

Authors : (

Keywords : Renewable energy, residential buildings, barriers and solutions, sustainability and Dhaka

Abstract :

Energy is essential to ensure quality of life and to underpin most of the services to our environment. Bangladesh faces unprecedented energy crisis due to high-energy demand and poor management. Low production results frequent disconnection; load shedding and most of the service sectors in the city are interrupted. Surprisingly residential sector consumes 45% electricity of Dhaka and the demand is increasing day by day. Another problem is that government introduced new satellite towns to keep pace of development and to accommodate people, which will further also increase the demand. Our country relies heavily on fossil fuels like natural gas and imported oil for its electricity production. Renewable sources can meet the demand only 4% though the zone is favorable for plentiful supply of renewable sources. Therefore the objective of the paper is to assess how renewable energy technologies (RETs) can be incorporated in the newly constructed residential buildings in Dhaka to supplement the existing electricity demand focusing more on technical and policy aspect. This paper also tries to find out the main barriers and probable solutions to incorporate the technologies in the residential buildings for its sustainability. 

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 19, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology