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Effect of Mn Substitution on the Electric and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline NiMnCu Ferrites

Corresponding Author : S. Nasrin (

Authors : Mohammad Hafizuddin Haji Jumali , A. K. M. Akther Hossain

Keywords : X-ray diffraction, powder diffraction, nanocrystal, ferrites, permeability

Abstract :

 Nanosize powders of NiMnCu ferrites were prepared by combustion technique. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns exhibited well defined single crystalline phase and formation of spinel structure. From the XRD data lattice constant was calculated. It is found that lattice constant increases with increase of Mn content, which indicates that the present compositions obey the Vegard’s law. It is also found that due to substitution of small amount of Mn average grain size, initial permeability, saturation magnetization and dielectric constant enhanced. On the other hand, resistivity showed opposite trend. The DC magnetization showed that at room temperature all samples are in ferrimagnetic state.

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 20, Issue 3, Applied Sciences and Technology