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Radiation Dose to Patients during Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angiop

Corresponding Author : R. K. Khan (

Authors : M. Kamal Hossan , M.A. Hoque , Aleya Begum , Amena Begum

Keywords : Thermoluminiscence Dosimetry, Fluoroscence, Lithium fluoride crystal, Coronary angiography, Coronary angioplasty

Abstract :

Coronary Angiography (CAG) and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedures are now widely performed in different cardiac hospitals in Bangladesh. Patients undergoing CAG and PTCA procedures can be subjected to large radiation dose. Two catheterization laboratories in Square Hospital, Dhaka were chosen to measure the radiation dose of patients by Thermoluminiscence Dosimeter (TLD) chips. A total of calibrated 96 TLD chips packed in a polythene sheet were used for the measurement of effective dose of the patient. Patients went through CAG received average effective dose 19.32 mSv while those who underwent PTCA received average effective dose 169.50 mSv. These larger values may have been caused due to long fluoroscopy time and large number of cine frames. The overall dose distribution was found to be normal during CAG procedure whereas it was left or right skewed in the PTCA. This is probably due to the fact that x-ray tube is kept in the normal position in CAG but for the PTCA the tube is held either in the left or right side during left or right coronary angioplasty, respectively.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 20, Issue 3, Applied Sciences and Technology