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Study on the Physical Properties of Jute-Cotton Blended Rotor Yarn

Corresponding Author : Md. Abdus Shahid (

Authors : Farid Ahmed , A.K.M. Mahabubuzzaman

Keywords : Modified jute-cotton blend, Rotor, Neutralization of fibre, Linear density, Unevenness

Abstract :

This work reports the successful outcome of attempts to manufacture 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 tex rotor spun yarn using modified jute with cotton fibers blending at 2o:80 ratio. The present paper is concerned with the effect of rotor variables such as opening roller speed, rotor speed and yarn linear density on the properties of jute-cotton blended yarn. The results show that yarn tenacity and elongation% at break increases with the increase in opening roller speed up to 8700 rpm and then start reducing, while the unevenness, imperfections (IPI) value of the yarn decreases. The yarn tenacity decreases and unevenness & imperfection value increases with the increase in rotor speed. The results also reveal that tenacity and elongation% increases with increasing the linear density of blended yarn.  

Published on December 30th, 2012 in Volume 20, Issue 3, Applied Sciences and Technology