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Effects of customer satisfaction on Customer Loyalty through Service Quality and Features in a Selected Bank

Corresponding Author : Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed (

Authors : Choudhury Abul Anam Rashed , Syeda Kumrun Nahar , Md. Galibur Rahman

Keywords : Loyalty, satisfaction, service quality, service features, bank

Abstract :

The loyalty of customers is needed for long-term business. Service quality and service features are certain criteria for customer satisfaction. The research investigates the relationship between customer loyalty with service quality, features, and customer satisfaction. A survey-based analysis based on a semi-structured questionnaire was conducted. SPSS-22 and Microsoft Excel 2016 have analyzed primary data. A conceptual model was developed to testify to the linkage between customer loyalty and satisfaction with service features and quality. The formulated hypotheses were tested. The paths of the developed model represented the six hypotheses. The obtained results showed that five of the hypotheses are accepted, indicating that customer loyalty is interlinked with customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is linked to the service quality and the features offered.

Published on December 31st, 2022 in Volume 32, Issue 2, Applied Sciences and Technology